Monday, September 15, 2008

Macy Demonstrates Tae Kwon Do

On Friday, Macy was asked about participating in a Tae Kwon Do demonstration--it's a recruiting tool aimed at giving a brief introduction/look at Tae Kwon Do. Macy was thrilled to be asked. The only draw back was that the demonstration was scheduled to be held today during Macy's school hours (and she would end up missing about half of the day). Julie and I were not crazy about her missing school, but we discussed it and decided to let her do the demonstration.

Today I took her to school at 8:20 and checked her out at 9:20. Then we met up with the others and went to the preschool for the demonstration.

Macy and Michael (the little boy she made cry during her first sparring experience and the same little boy who knocked her tooth out) were the only kids able to participate in the demonstration.

Macy and Michael did great, and I believe the kids at the preschool really enjoyed themselves, too.
I got her back to school right after lunch, and thankfully she didn't have to miss her computer class (which has been one of her favorite things about school)!


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